Hamas...yay? Really?

I see that the Hamas cheer squad has had another outing (I don't even need to give a link for this, their  'I'm a victim' chant is as ubiquitous as it is meaningless).

I’ll believe they have a case when Hamas ceases random violence against civilians, abides by peace deals, participates in a peace process and behaves as though it is part of a civil international community.

Of course, it will do none of these things, and will continue with its cynical conduct with no intention to either pursue peace or accept a two state arrangement.

Hamas wants one state: its own, and until the international community recognizes that Hamas has no interest in peace, but just manipulates, lies and makes its own civilians military targets as part of its Islamic mission to destroy Israel, Israel has no choice but to make Hamas’ aggression too costly for it to continue.

France sees this as well.

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